IT Definition :
IT Information technology is the study of information acquisition, transmission and processing technology, the computer technology, communication technology, microelectronic technology combination, sometimes called the "modern information technology." In other words, information technology is the use of computer information processing, the use of modern electronic communication technologies in information collection, storage, processing, utilization and related products manufacturing, technology development, information services, new disciplines. Span> span>
IT equipment is information technology as the principle design of the products, we often say IT class product means: some computers and computer peripheral equipment. span> p o:>
certification standards such equipment is used:
span>CE Certification: span>EN60950/IEC60950 span> span> p : o> span> P>
FCC Certification: span> span>PART15 span> p o:> span> P>
UL Certification: span>UL60950
span>CCC : span>GB4943 span> span> p o:> span> P>
Product examples: speaker, camera, computer, power adapter, chassis Power span>.....