lighting products span> strong> P>
lamps exported to Europe today to LED span>products. Span> span>Turning LED span>standards, the Chinese manufacturers say, Europe demanding technical and safety standards are invisible technical barriers to trade. The industry believes that the domestic span>LED span>lighting practitioners to break the technical barriers to overseas market, you first need to understand Europe and the United States span>LED span>standards span>LED span>lighting product safety, electromagnetic compatibility, performance and other requirements. Span> span> Xml: namespace prefix = o /> p o:> span> P>
p o:> span> P>
one, major U.S. and European standards bodies and certification logo span> p o:> span> P>
UL span>: is Underwriters Laboratories span>( UnderwriterLaboratoriesInc. span>) span> span>shorthand, UL span>safety test of America's most authoritative, the world engage in safety testing and identification of the larger span> span>private institutions span>. Span> p o:> span> P>
span>FCC span>: Federal Communications Commission span>< / span> ( FederalCommunicationsCommission span>) span> span>, is an independent U.S. government agency, directly accountable to Parliament. FCC span>control of radio, television, telecommunications, satellite and cable to coordinate domestic and international communications . Span> span> p o:> span> P>
span>ETL span>: ETL electronic testing laboratory in the United States span> span>(ElectricalTestingLaboratories) span>short , ETL span>laboratory by American inventor Thomas Edison in span>1896 span>handedly created years in the United States and around the world enjoy a high reputation. Bottom right span>"us" span>that applies to the United States, the lower left span>"c" span>that applies to Canada, but also has span>"us" span>and span>"c" span>applicable in both countries. Span> span> p o:> span> P>
span>EnergyStar : Energy Star span> span>, is one dominated by the U.S. government, mainly for consumer electronics energy conservation plan, the Energy Star program in 1992 span>by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ( span> EPA span>) initiated, purpose is to reduce energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. Span> span> p o:> span> P>
span>IEC span>: International Electrotechnical Commission span> span>(InternationalElectrotechnicalCommission) span>, is the world's oldest international electrotechnical standardization body responsible for the electrical and electronics engineering in the field of international standardization work span>, span>countries in the world with nearly span>10 span>ten thousand experts participating in span>IEC span>the standard formulation, revision. Span> span> p o:> span> P>
span>ENEC : span>(EuropeanNormsElectricalCertification span> span>) span>, span>European standard electrical certification span>yes and meet European standards for specific products (such as lighting equipment, components, and office & span>data device) uses common European standard, span>ENEC span>European safety certification mark is a universal symbol, span>2000 span>years Start originally allowed only European manufacturer uses span>"ENEC" span>marks the beginning of the whole open for use by all the world's manufacturers. Span> span> p o:> span> P>
p o:> span> P>
p o:> span> P>
two, LED span>products exports to the EU market standards span> span> span> p o:> span> P>
p o:> span> P>
exports to the EU countries need to include safety certification testing ( LVD span>) and electromagnetic compatibility certification test ( span> EMC span>), the main certification labeled span>CE span>and span>ENEC span>, certified reference standards include: span>IEC / EN :60598-1 span>(lamps General requirements and tests), span>IEC / EN :60598-2-3 span>(roads and street lighting safety requirements) span>, IEC/EN62031 (LED span>module general safety requirements span>) IEC / EN :61000-3-2 ( span> single-phase input current span>≤ 16A span>devices harmonic current emission limits span>), IEC / EN :61000-3-3 ( span> low voltage power supply system voltage fluctuations and flicker span>), IEC/EN61547 ( span> general lighting purposes - EMC immunity requirements span>), IEC/EN55015 ( span> electrical lighting or type of equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement span>) span> span>. Span> p o:> span> P>
span>< / o: p> span> P>
p o:> span> P>
span>three, LED span>products exported to North America market standard span> span> span>< / span> p o:> span> P>
North American market, the main export certification are UL span>, span>ETL span>, span>FCC span>and span>ENERGYSTAR span>(Energy Star), such as several, span>LED span>road lighting products span>UL span>certified reference < / span> UL8750 span>or span>UL60950 span>, span>UL1598 span>two standards do not test fixture span>EMC span>characteristics , span>ETL span>certification test is completely the same as the reference span>UL span>standards. Span>FCC span>certified reference span>FCCPart15B, ClassAdigitaldevice span>standard test limits, do not test fixture security features; span>ENERGYSTAT ( span> Energy Star span>) span>mainly for residential and commercial lighting class span>LED span>Lighting photovoltaic performance requirements, span>LED span>temporarily in road lighting column span> span>. Span> p o:> span> P>
FCC span>is a United States federal law on teletext product of radio disturbance span>(EMI) span>Signature limits mandatory certification, span>LED span>lamps span>FCC span>certification test and the EU span>CE span>of electromagnetic compatibility certification testing is quite different, mainly as follows: span> span> p o:> span> P>
1 span>, span>LED span>lamps span>FCC span>certification test only span>EMI span>