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wireless products

1. What is wireless?

wireless products English translated: Wireless Product

general, wireless (Wireless) < span style = "font-family: Arial;"> means "radio" or "radio waves."

then wireless products (Wireless Product) < span style = "font-family: Arial;"> can be understood through the "radio" or "radio waves" to carry out liaison, communication, control and other acts ( or working ) products.

wireless products by function points can be divided into a wireless transmitter ( Transmitter ) and the wireless receiver ( Receiver ).

Transmitter in the wireless area generally referred to as Tx ;

Receiver in the wireless area generally referred to as Rx .

in real use two mutually whole, are indispensable.

Note : Sometimes, the wireless receiver also generates emissions, which we call double Workers work product.

2. Why wireless product certification?

theory: the radio frequency is infinite ( 0 ~ ; Hz ); actual use of the process: the frequency of civilian products generally concentrated in the ( 0 ~ 40GHz ).

then the usual limited frequency how to manage? This requires a variety of Frequency Allocations for our field of use, range, firing size.

and national security concerns in the country, in 0 ~ 40GHz many of frequency is not open to civilian products, we must avoid inadvertent use or occupy these frequencies, thus resulting in a variety of unwanted consequences. These considerations require that we conduct various tests on wireless products and obtain the appropriate national certification.

3. R & TTE ( Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive ), radio and telecommunications terminal commands.

wireless remote control products exported to the EU, communication products, must comply with the R & TTE directive (Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive) -1999/5/EC requirements.

R & TTE instructions included products are:

1 , short-range wireless remote control products ( SRD ) example: remote control toy car, remote control alarm system, remote control doorbell, remote control switch, remote mouse, keyboard, and so on.

2 , professional radio remote control products ( PMR ) example: professional wireless intercom, wireless microphones. Corded telephone, fax, MODEM , telephone answering machine , small switchboard ( PABX ), cordless phones CTO , CT1 , CT1 + < / span> ..., ISDN (digital phone products), DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone), GSM , CDMA ...

3 , Bluetooth products such as: Bluetooth headset.

4. R & TTE application process is different depending on the product band has some differences, for low-frequency wireless products, we usually refers 27MHZ , 49MHZ < / span> , 40MHZ , 433MHZ , 315MHZ , 88-108MHZ , 35MHZ , 72MHZ And these frequencies in various regions and countries use different.

United States can use the band

27MHZ , 49MHZ , 40MHZ , 433MHZ , 315MHZ , 88-108MHZ , 72MHZ

Europe can use the band: 27MHZ , 40MHZ ,, 35MHZ , 433MHZ

For such a simple wireless products, we usually encounter need to apply FCC , R & TTE etc., the following is FCC

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R & TTE brief description of the application process:

1 ) by the customer to provide a complete test sample and complete with accessories, submitted to the laboratory;

2 ) Customer must provide complete technical data (circuit diagram, PCB board diagram, BOM products brochures, line description, technical performance descriptions), and the data necessarily require English electronic file documents;

3 ) by the laboratory tests and the test report; < / o: p>

4 ) laboratory audit data and reports;

5 ) laboratory will test reports and technical information submitted to the TCB , FCC or NotifyBody audit;

6 ) TCB , FCC or NotifyBody the certificate;

7 ) the application is successful.

廣東省質量技術監督局 廣東省環境保護局 廣東省信息化工作領導小組辦事機構 中國認證認可協會 中國合格評定國家認可委員會 中國國家認證認可監督管理委員會 佛山市同輝企業管理有限公司 歐冠(CPST)檢測技術服務有限公司 廣州市好特設備檢測技術有限公司